THEME – 5 - Geoparks and tourism




establishment of geologic outdoors and geotrack


1 Gil F. Piekarz

1Antonio Liccardo 

2Mário Sérgio de Melo

2Gilson Burigo Guimarães

3Luiz Alberto Fernandes


1 Minerais do Paraná S.A – MINEROPAR

2Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa – UEPG

3Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR


The State Park of Vila Velha, with 3,122.11ha established in 1953 and safekept in 1966 by the Historical and Artistic Patrimony of Paraná and constitutes one of main Brazil’s southern touristic attractions. About 70,000 people/year come to Vila Velha to visit three main attractions: special relief in sandstones from glacial origin (Itararé Group – Devonian age); the “furnas”, rounded depressions like shafts originated by dissolution; and Lagoa Dourada, an ancient “furna” filled by alluvial sediments, and actually a lake.

The establishment of outdoors and divulgation of pamphlets with geological information have included the geological knowledge as touristic product, bringing the public a new vision of the natural heritage and contributing substantially for the development of an environmental conscience and divulgation of geosciences. Outdoors and pamphlets show the visitors a summary of geology of the park, contextualized with the geology of Paraná. Through photos, diagrams and schematic profiles, the content emphasizes the origin and the geomorphologic evolution of the sandstone forms and even about the origin of “furnas” that arouse the curiosity of tourists.

Nowadays is being established a geotouristic track inside the park pointing out the main didactic subjects that show geological evolution. This track represents an important tool for teaching geology and it has a fundamental role to translate the visitors the scientific content.

Keywords – Vila Velha; geotrack; geotourism; Paraná; geopark