THEME 6 – Geoparks and
geosites: a twin-tracked approach to geological heritage
PRESENTATION – Oral by Antonio Liccardo
Antonio Liccardo1 -
Gil Piekarz2 -
1,2 Minerais
do Paraná S/A – MINEROPAR
“Rota dos
Tropeiros” is one of Brazil’s most ancient expansion routes; it links southern
Brazil, the cattle producing region, to southeast economical centers. This
route, known since the 18th century, links sixteen counties that
present potential for tourism, both because of the local architecture and
historical culture, and for the natural heritage present there.
Geologically, the
route spreads out over the eastern edge of Paraná’s Sedimentary Basin
surrounding paleozoic marine and glacial sediments, cambrian and mesozoic
volcanism and precambrian metamorphic rocks. Geomorphological features are the
main attractions of the region: canyons, slopes, special reliefs in sandstone
and many waterfalls. Ancient mining of gold, iron and mineral water add
historical and scientific contents to the natural heritage.
Data collected
along 300km of the route in the state of Paraná have pointed out great
geological diversity in this stretch where geological sites among the already
established parks can become tourist attractions. The approach of geological
and paleo-environmental processes proposes continuity of tourism along the
aforementioned stretch. Geological or geomorphological parks such as Vila
Velha, Guartelá, Cerrado and Monge which lie in the “Rota dos Tropeiros” are
conceptually linked by private reserves and environmental protection areas.
The registration,
study and publicity of sites among the already existent parks result in a new
approach for geotourism in this region, based on the frequency of visitors and
also on the increase of the published information.
The existence of
an already established historical and tourist route is a fundamental factor in
the creation of a geotourist tour and suggests a new conceptual direction for
the use in tourism, maintenance of geological heritage and publicity of
geoscientific information.
Keywords – geotourism; natural heritage; Rota dos
Tropeiros; Paraná basin; environment